David Shrigley
David Shrigley (born 1968 in Macclesfield, UK) is best known for his dark humored satirical drawings that poke fun at and expose the banality of everyday affairs and situations. While most of his body of work consists of drawings and artist books, Shigley has an enormous creative range spanning photography, sculpture, animation, painting, and musical collaborations including the direction of videos for Blur's "Good Song" and Bonnie "Prince" Billy's "Agnes, Queen of Sorrow".
David Shrigley regularly contributes cartoons to publications like The Guardian and New Statesmen. In 2013 he was shortlisted for the Turner Prize and early in 2014 was selected to create a sculpture to be installed on Trafalgar Square's Fourth Plinth in 2016.
David Shrigley has no qualms in playing up our fears of the dentist chair by hugely exaggerating the size of a common molar and rendering it in solid, heavy brass. Premiered at the London Art Fair, Shrigley's matter-of-fact sculpture Brass Tooth—roots and all—is a humorously subversive jab at modern art; a surreal work he himself slyly calls "the heaviest small artwork [he] has ever made." Shrigley explains that the work will most certainly appeal to dentist and teeth aficionados. "It could also be used for cracking nuts with".